April Story was born in Louisiana and, after several moves, settled in Kentucky. Her crafting journey has taken her from sewing, to scrapbooking, to card making, but today, she spends most of her time quilting.
On her travels with her husband (he’s set the lofty goal of attending every Eagles concert in the continental U.S.), she’s had the pleasure of visiting lots of quilt shops and meeting wonderful people who enjoy quilting as much as she does. She also has a YouTube channel called April’s Craft Room where she shares quilt-making tutorials to help other quilters enjoy a smoother quilting experience.
Most importantly, she is the mother of two girls, Gigi to two granddaughters, and has been married for over 30 years. She loves chocolate, fabric, and laughing. When she retires, she wants to make YouTube videos and quilts for charity.
Make a remembrance quilt with April Story. She will be creating comfort in a time of need with this sentimental quilt made from her late father-in-law’s clothing.