
Complete tasks and get a chance to spin the wheel!

  • B:

    Visit Your Dashboard: Click the "My Account" box at the top right corner of your screen, then scroll down to "Account Dashboard". On mobile, tap on the three lines on the top right of the page and then tap on "My Account". Your account dashboard is where you will receive show announcements, see your quilt and block entries, and more! Go play around in your personal dashboard and get your letter "B"!
  • I:

    Learn About the Virtual Community Quilt: On the festival homepage, there is information about this year's Community Quilt! Find the link and go visit the page to get your letter "I".
  • N:

    View the Quilt Show Gallery: From the festival homepage, find the "Quilt Show" link and see what categories are in the show! Have fun viewing and voting on your favorite quilts while getting your letter "N".
  • G:

    Add an Event to Your Calendar: Visit the "Event Schedule" page and add an event to your calendar! Customize your festival experience while winning your letter "G".
  • O:

    Check Out the Giveaways: Find the "Giveaways" page to see what exciting prizes you could win this Fall Festival and grab your last letter "O"!

Play B.I.N.G.O!






Quilt Showcase

Be inspired by your fellow quilters and enter your own quilt to win big prizes!

Register to enter

Click the button below to register for this event, enter a quilt into the show, and vote on your favorite quilts!

Register now

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no restrictions on how the quilt was created. Whether you created your quilt by hand or used a machine, we are excited to see ALL types of quilts that are quilted in all types of ways!

You can enter quilts anytime until September 20th. Any quilts entered after that date will not be considered by the judges.

Yes! You can enter different quilts in different categories. However, you CANNOT enter the same quilt in multiple categories.

All festival participants are able to go vote on their favorite quilts! Votes will be hidden until the end of the show to remove any bias in voting. All comments on quilts will be visible throughout the show. The first, second, and third place winners for each category will be picked by our judges. The quilt with the most votes in each category will win Quilters' Choice.

No. You may qualify to win in multiple categories, but you can only win once and you will be selected for the highest prize that you qualify for.

No, anyone who enters a quilt into the Quilt Showcase will automatically receive one entry into the $500 Gift Card Giveaway. The winner of this giveaway will be randomly picked from everyone who entered into the quilt show.

All quilt show winners will be announced during our Quilt Show Winners Showcase happening Friday, October 4th at 2:15 pm MT. Visit the event schedule to add the winner announcements to your personal show schedule. The winners will also be posted on this page after being announced.

Step 1: Go to your Account Dashboard.
Step 2: Go to “My Quilt Entries”.
Step 3: Click on the 3 dots under your entry.
Step 4: Options will come up to edit your entry.

Click the little three dots next to the title and select "Delete Quilt".

You can enter any quilt you have pieced together whether it is your own pattern or a purchased pattern. And it is allowed for someone else to quilt your pieced quilt as long as you specify that you weren't the one doing the top quilting in the description of your quilt entry.